Anxiety and stress: two enemies of the neck

Anxiety and stress: two enemies of the neck

Jun 30, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

Neck symptoms and anxiety often present themselves as a disturbing pair, where one may be the cause of the other, generating a vicious cycle that exacerbates overall malaise. Unfortunately, anxiety and stress are cumbersome almost daily companions for many of us. These emotional states manifest themselves physically in various ways, including muscle stiffness, headaches, and, not least, neck problems.

But when is neck tension really caused by anxiety and stress? Is it true cervicalgia, or are we dealing with a predominantly psychosomatic problem? And how can we distinguish between the two? 

In this article, we will discuss the various cervical symptoms, i.e., stress headache, anxiety tension headache, stress neck, explaining in detail the link between these and anxiety and stress. We will find out together how daily apprehension and tension can affect our physical well-being, and how we can combat them.

Cervical symptoms and anxiety: how to recognize the connection

The cervical spine is the upper portion of the spine that runs from the skull to the upper chest, comprising seven vertebrae. One of its most important functions is to support the head and allow its movement.

Anxiety and stress, when prolonged over time, significantly affect the health of our cervical spine. Under conditions of stress and anxiety, the body responds by increasing muscle tension, including that of the neck and shoulder muscles. This state of muscle hypertension creates stiffness and pain in the neck area.

In the long run, if not properly managed, this state of tension also results in wear and tear on the cervical vertebrae, leading to more serious problems such as dizziness, tachycardia, headaches, tired eyes, and a widespread sense of tension that feels like a "vice" in the cervical area.

Fortunately, there are innovative tools that can help prevent and manage symptoms associated with neck problems, such as the orthopedic pillows for the neck.

Pharmaflex Cervical: the best orthopedic cervical pillow

 Among orthopedic pillows, Pharmaflex Cervical is an innovative one designed to provide optimal support for the cervical spine. Made of high-quality materials and designed to fit the shape of the neck and shoulders, it helps maintain proper posture during sleep, thus relieving tension and pain in the cervical area. This pillow can be a valuable ally in managing stress and anxiety: it contributes not only to a more restful sleep, but also to a better quality of life.

Recognizing anxiety-related neck symptoms is the first step in properly addressing and managing this issue. These symptoms are often insidious and can easily be confused with other conditions, but once identified, they can be treated and managed effectively.

The most common symptoms related to neck problems and anxiety include:

Neck pain and stiffness: Pain is often located at the base of the neck and may radiate to the shoulders, arm, or hand. Stiffness, on the other hand, limits neck mobility and may be accompanied by a cracking sound when trying to move the head.

Stress headache or tension headache: This type of headache is typical in those who experience high levels of stress or anxiety. Muscle tension in the neck and shoulders can cause a squeezing or tight sensation around the head, often described as a "band" or "vise" compressing the head.

Dizziness and imbalance: These symptoms can be caused by a number of factors, including anxiety and stress. Dizziness can range from a feeling of slight unsteadiness or lurching to episodes of true vertigo.

Tachycardia: The vagus nerve, which innervates part of the neck, can be affected by cervical tension, causing increased heart rate, i.e., tachycardia, in some cases.

Visual symptoms: Eye fatigue may be another sign of neck strain due to stress. The eyes may appear tired and there may be a feeling of pressure or pain around the eyes.

Gastrointestinal symptoms: In some cases, stress and anxiety can also cause gastrointestinal symptoms, such as a stuffy stomach, nausea, or digestive upset.

Stress neck: tension headache and anxiety

Tension headache is one of the most common forms of headache and is often accompanied by episodes of stress and anxiety, thus becoming an obvious sign of a neck problem. Anxiety tension head ache manifests as a feeling of pressure or tension, often described as a tight band around the head, or a weight on the top of the skull.

Episodes of tension headache can be sporadic, but in some cases they can become chronic. The exact cause is not yet completely clear, but muscle tension in the neck and shoulder region, often associated with stress and anxiety, is a significant risk factor.

How to manage neck symptoms and anxiety

Coping with stress-related neck symptoms and anxiety requires an integrated approach that includes relaxation techniques, physical exercises, and attention to posture, especially during sleep.

  • Relaxation techniques: Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training or meditation help reduce stress and anxiety, and thus decrease muscle tension in the neck area.
  • Physical exercises: Stretching and strengthening exercises help maintain flexibility and strength in the neck muscles, preventing or reducing neck problems.
  • Mind your posture: Maintaining good posture throughout the day and especially during sleep is critical.Using an orthopedic neckpillow, such as the Pharmaflex Cervical, supports the spine in the correct position, reducing pressure and tension on the neck muscles.

Accurate diagnosis is essential to rule out other conditions. If you suspect that you are suffering from stress headache, anxiety tension headache, or stress cervical headache, it is advisable to see your physician and schedule a checkup with the orthopedist and perhaps consult a physiotherapist, osteopath, or posturologist to set up appropriate therapy.

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