Is working out before sleep good for you? Let's find out together

Is working out before sleep good for you? Let's find out together

May 23, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

It happens to everyone to want to get back in shape, especially in the run-up to summer. But often during the day, between work and family commitments, you can never find the time. And only the evening remains. But is working out before bed good for you? It might seem a somewhat unusual practice, but know that, in fact, it is a habit that can bring numerous benefits, both for your health and for sleep.  

You may be wondering how it is that exercising before bed can be beneficial and wondering if, instead, working out in the evening doesn't end up stimulating your body and mind, preventing you from falling asleep. Well, then you should know that many studies have ascertained that the endorphins produced during exercise not only improve mood, but also help in reducing stress accumulated during the day, promoting longer and more restful sleep. And this, not to mention the fact that working out before sleep allows you to face the next day with more energy and good mood!

Let's find out, then, whether working out before bed is good for you, how to plan your evening workout, and how to manage post-workout.  

Is working out before sleep good for you? Let's find out the benefits

Working out before bed is good for you, about that there is now no doubt. But why does working out before bed promote sleep? Imagine this situation: you come home after a stressful day, put on your sweats, and treat yourself to a nighttime workout. You may not be aware of it, but your body will start releasing endorphins, the chemicals responsible for mental and physical well-being. Here's the answer you've been looking for: by improving your mood and leaving behind the stress accumulated during the day, you'll be able to fall asleep earlier and better.

Evening workout

But that's not all. Working out before bed is also good for you because it promotes quality, deeper, uninterrupted sleep. In fact, during exercise, your body temperature rises, and when your body begins to cool down at the end of your evening workout, you will experience a pleasant feeling of drowsiness, which will linger for a long time. So although you might be tempted to think that exercise wakes you up, exactly the opposite is true. 


Tips for working out before bedtime

As ascertained, it is fine to exercise before bed, but the intensity of exercise should be kept under control: cardio activities, those that overstimulate the blood circulation, heart and nervous system, should be avoided. So, too, are all those anaerobic exercises that involve intense muscle exertion, such as weightlifting, not recommended. 

Remember: the goal is not to put stress on your body, but to promote relaxation in order to be able to sleep well after your workout. Activities such as yoga, Pilates, and stretching, therefore, are perfect for working out in the evening: your body will get moving, but your heart activity will remain contained.  


Also, try to plan your evening workout in a reasoned way. Between your workout and bedtime, allow some time, at least an hour, so that your body has time to cool down and prepare for sleep. Also, although working out before bedtime might make you hungry, avoid consuming heavy foods and energizing drinks before bedtime. 


Working out before bed is good for you: face tomorrow with grit

Having established that working out before sleep is good for you, you may now wonder how working out at night can affect your energy levels the next day. What has been seen, in fact, is that many people report feeling more energetic and focused after a gym workout before sleep. This can be attributed to both increased endorphin production and the relaxing effect of exercise on the nervous system. 

When you exercise, in fact, you stimulate blood circulation and increase oxygenation of the brain, which can undoubtedly lead to improved cognitive abilities. In addition, by allowing you to de-stress, evening physical activity can actually enable you to face the next day with a clearer and more serene mind. 


It is understood that each individual is unique and unrepeatable, so it is always worth experimenting with whether and how much night training really affects your personal energy by finding the right balance between training and rest. 


The importance of post-workout before sleep

After an evening workout, taking time for recovery and rest is essential to maximize the benefits of exercise and rest well. After your night workout, it is therefore essential to relax your muscles: you can do this by treating yourself to a long relaxing bath or hot shower, which will promote muscle recovery and reduce any tension built up during exercise.

And because working out before bed is good for you, don't jeopardize the benefits gained by using electronic devices before bedtime, as the blue light emitted by smartphones, tablets and televisions can interfere with sleep quality. Rather, plan a relaxation routine: read a book, do breathing exercises or practice meditation to calm your mind and prepare for a restorative sleep. 


Muscle recovery and relaxation are essential to allow your body to relax and prepare for sleep, so after your evening workout, take care of yourself by allowing yourself time to return to a calm and relaxed state.


Working out before sleep is good for you, but getting proper rest is also important!

As you have seen, working out at night brings numerous benefits on sleep and mental and physical well-being, but sleeping on proper support will also make a difference. Ensuring the right support for the spine, in fact, helps prevent tension and soreness at night, which not only undermines the quality of your sleep, but also ends up irreparably compromising the health of your back.

The key element for optimal rest is, of course, the mattress, and the Pharmaflex Hybrid orthopedic mattress is what provides the right support for your spine, helping you maintain proper posture while sleeping and preventing muscle and joint problems.

Pharmaflex Hybrid

So if you want to maximize the benefits of your evening workout, invest in your mattress: working in synergy with your physical activity, Pharmaflex Hybrid will provide you with restful rest while taking care of your back. Try it and you'll see: working out before bed is good for you, but never as good as resting on a quality mattress!


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