Cervicalgia and Digestion: the role of Posture

Cervicalgia and Digestion: the role of Posture

Jun 23, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

Cervicalgia, commonly known as "neck pain," is a disorder that many people experience, often due to stress orpoor posture. This pain in the neck, which can extend to the shoulders and arms, presents itself in a variety of ways: it can manifest as simple musculoskeletal discomfort or as a sharper, more intense pain. You may experience reduced muscle strength, tingling sensations, numbness, or altered sensitivity. Sometimes, you may experience pinprick-like sensations or feel a change in temperature in the affected area.

A lesser-known but equally important aspect of neck pain is its link to digestive problems. Yes, you read that right: your neck pain may be closely related to your inflamed stomach problems. How, let's go into detail.

The symptoms and causes of cervicalgia 

Cervicalgia affects the cervical region, the portion of the spine that includes the seven vertebrae between the skull and the chest. This disorder is widespread and has varying symptoms, often aggravated by specific movements of the neck or its prolonged position, such as during computer work.

Neck pain can result from many factors, among which stress plays a significant role. When you are under stress, your muscles, including those in your neck, tend to contract and remain tense. This constant tension can cause inflammation, leading to typical cervical stress symptoms. It is critical to recognize the signs of cervicalgia and, if symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention.

The relationship between neck pain and digestive problems may seem unusual, but it is concrete. Improper postures induced by neck pain can prevent the diaphragm from extending properly, causing respiratory and gastrointestinal problems. Treating cervicalgia means not only relieving neck pain, but also promoting better digestion.

Sometimes, cervicalgia can be triggered by digestive problems due to improper diet, or allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities to certain substances. The link between cervicalgia and digestion is mainly due to the vagus nerve, a nerve that transmits information to the brain about the conditions of organs, including the digestive system. If the vagus nerve becomes inflamed due to digestive problems, it can cause cervicalgia, and vice versa.

Improper posture is a significant contributor to both cervicalgia and digestive problems. Spending many hours a day in an incorrect posture, such as sitting in front of a computer, can lead to muscle tension and misalignments that cause neck pain. This unnatural posture can also constrict the abdomen, hindering the optimal functioning of the digestive system.

The role of posture

To improve your posture, here are some tips you can follow in your daily life:

While working or studying: Make sure your desk or table is at the right height, your feet should be planted on the floor and your knees at 90 degrees. Your back should be straight and your eyes should look straight at the computer screen, avoiding tilting your head forward or down.

When standing: Keep your back straight and balance your weight evenly on both feet. Avoid leaning forward or slouching your shoulders back.

During sleep: Sleeping on your back is generally the best position for spinal health. If you prefer to sleep on your side, consider using a pillow between your knees to keep your spine aligned. Choosing the right mattress and pillow, such as those offered by Pharmaflex, can make a big difference in maintaining good posture while sleeping and preventing cervicalgia.

Remember, posture is only one element of several solutions. It is important to combine good posture with regular stretching and strengthening exercises, a balanced diet, and stress management strategies to effectively combat neck pain and associated digestive problems.

It is important to combine good posture with regular stretching and strengthening exercises, a balanced diet and stress management strategies to effectively combat cervicalgia and associated digestive problems. Quality sleep on a good mattress can make all the difference.

Pharmaflex: the power of sleep

Pharmaflex, with its established expertise in sleep health and wellness, is strongly committed to providing innovative solutions to relieve cervicalgia and related digestive problems. Its orthopedic medical devices, such as the Pharmaflex Topper Reflux, are designed to improve posture, a key element in the management of these disorders.

Pharmaflex's wide range of products is the result of careful research and extensive experience in the field. The Pharmaflex Reflux Topper, for example, is specifically designed to support the spine and promote proper posture during sleep. This product can make a difference in preventing and managing cervicalgia while providing significant improvement in sleep quality.

And the innovations don't stop there. Pharmaflex is continually looking for new solutions to help even more people with functional problems of the skeletal system. In the coming years, Pharmaflex's catalog will expand to include new orthopedic products, currently under study, to offer an even wider range of solutions for posture and neck pain problems.

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