How babies should sleep: 7 useful tips

How babies should sleep: 7 useful tips

Jun 16, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

Have you ever wondered how babies should sleep? If you are a parent just entering this wonderful journey or about to become one, this question has probably popped into your head more than once. Understanding your puppy's sleep needs is critical to his or her growth and development, and also to the quality of your own sleep.

Certainly, navigating through these changes may seem difficult, but you need not worry. Pharmaflex, with its experience and expertise, is here to help you. In this article, we will provide you with seven helpful tips to ensure that your little one sleeps safely and comfortably even with the Topper baby model.

The Pharmaflex Baby Topper

Pharmaflex's Baby topper is the little secret to your newborn's ultimate comfort. Lovingly thought out and carefully designed, the Baby Topper combines the most advanced technologies in sleep with our deep understanding of the unique needs of newborns. The Topper provides gentle yet firm support, fitting perfectly to the contours of your little one's body: providing a safe and comfortable sleeping surface. Made from hypoallergenic and easily washable materials, the Baby Topper ensures hygiene and cleanliness without sacrificing comfort.

Seven tips for babies' safe sleep

Here is a list of seven tips for safe infant sleep:

  • Understanding how the sleep cycle of infants works;
  • Knowing and preventing the risk of SIDS;
  • Preventing infant suffocation in sleep;
  • Creating a safe sleeping environment;
  • Establish a sleep routine;
  • Managing nighttime wake-up calls;
  • Choose the appropriate mattress.

Understanding infants' sleep

Infant sleep is a world unto itself, characterized by primary instinctive needs such as hunger and thirst. Babies require frequent but reduced meals, determining a biological rhythm of 3-4 hours, closely related to their hunger-thirst cycle. Adjusting to these sleep intervals is essential to respect the child's basic needs, without imposing rigid routines. Pediatricians also recommend not letting infants sleep for excessively long periods, especially if adequate weight gain is not observed.

Preventing the risk of SIDS

It is important for you as a parent to be aware of SIDS, which stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. This condition poses a risk to infants and can occur unexpectedly during sleep. Most cases of SIDS occur within the first 6 months of a child's life, but the risk remains present until the age of one year.

There is no single identified cause for SIDS, but there are guidelines that can help you reduce the risk. These include: make sure your baby sleeps on his or her back, keep the sleeping environment free of unnecessary items: avoid leaving any toys and stuffed animals in the crib, avoid overheating, and prefer a cool sleeping environment.

Preventing infant suffocation in sleep

Making sure your baby sleeps in a safe position is the first step in preventing suffocation during sleep. Infants should always sleep supine, a position that greatly minimizes the risk of suffocation. Another key aspect is to avoid placing objects in the crib: toys, stuffed animals or any other items that could pose a risk. The mattress should be firm and snug against the edge of the crib to avoid spaces where your baby could get stuck. Make sure your baby is not too covered or overheated while sleeping, and keep the temperature constant, as this can increase the risk of SIDS. 

Creating a safe sleeping environment

Creating a safe sleep environment goes beyond preventing suffocation. It is about ensuring that your baby's entire sleeping area is optimized for safe and restful sleep. The ideal place for your infant to sleep is in your room; create a quiet, dark and cool environment. A rattle or soft white noise can help your baby calm down and fall asleep. Be sure to check on your baby regularly during sleep to make sure he or she is breathing normally and is comfortable and safe.

Establishing a sleep routine

Creating a consistent bedtime routine can help your child know when it is time to sleep. This can include soothing activities such as a warm bath, a bedtime song, or a bedtime story. Try to keep the routine consistent on weekends as well. Consistency is the key to helping your infant establish a healthy sleep pattern.

Managing nighttime wake-up calls

Night wakings are a normal part of infant sleep. This is due to their need for frequent feeding and their lighter sleep cycle. During nighttime wake-ups, try to keep the environment calm and soothing. Avoid bright lights and loud noises that might stimulate your baby too much. Even during these interruptions, try to lead your child back to sleep as quietly as possible.

Choosing the appropriate mattress

It is critically important to carefully select the mattress on which to place your infant. The latter should be placed on a firm mattress, preferably created specifically for cribs or cribs. Overly soft mattresses can create hollows or "pockets" that increase the risk of suffocation, especially as your baby begins to develop the ability to roll over, a normal motor milestone achieved in the first six months of life.

A properly firm mattress provides the support needed to prevent such dangers. In addition, a breathable mattress promotes air circulation and helps maintain a constant temperature, contributing to a comfortable and safe sleep for your baby. 

Pharmaflex: your valuable ally

In this context, Pharmaflex stands as a valuable ally. With a relentless commitment to innovation, Pharmaflex is more than a brand; it is a new standard in the world of sleep. 

Pharmaflex's mission is to provide you with the best tools to support your newborn's sleep and well-being. The Baby Topper is one such tool, designed with one purpose in mind: to ensure maximum comfort and safety for your little one during his or her sleeping hours. Its design and functionality are based on extensive research and real feedback from parents, because your little one deserves only the best.

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