Neck pillow: high or low pillow?

Neck pillow: high or low pillow?

Sep 22, 2023Linkeasy Editorial Board

The cervical spine is the upper part of the spine, comprising the seven vertebrae that connect the base of the skull to the upper part of the thorax. This structure allows mobility of the head and protects vital elements such as the spinal cord.

Daily stresses, combined with poor posture, can compromise his health. Pain, stiffness and tension are some of the most common issues related to the neck. Modern lifestyles, such as the continuous use of electronic devices, aggravate the situation. In our country, as many as 6 out of 10 people struggle with cervicalgia on a daily basis. 

Choosing the right pillow can make the difference between a restless night and an optimal awakening.

An inadequate pillow can cause or worsen tension, while a neck pillow specially designed can ensure a pain-free awakening and a positive start to the day. It is not just a matter of comfort, but of health and well-being. 

High or low pillow: the differences and advantages

Considering the wide variety of pillows available on the market, how do you choose between a high and a low cervical pillow? Both have their specific advantages, and it is essential to know the differences to make an informed choice that fits your needs.

High pillows are ideal for side sleepers. They support the head and neck by aligning the spine and filling the space between the head and the mattress. This prevents unnecessary tension and strain on the neck.

Low pillows, on the other hand, are often preferred by those who sleep on their backs or stomachs. A thinner pillow ensures that the head and neck are not raised unnaturally, maintaining proper posture while sleeping.

The key is to understand your personal needs and preferences. Listen to your body and consider the position in which you feel most comfortable during sleep. Once you understand these aspects, you will be able to choose the pillow that will provide you with the best nights of rest.

The effects of sleeping with two pillows

Sleeping with two pillows may seem comfortable, but have you thought about the possible repercussions on your posture and neck? By stacking pillows on top of each other, you often lift your head excessively, compromising the natural alignment of your neck with your spine. This unnatural position can cause muscle tension and stiffness.

The answer to the question, "Does sleeping with two pillows hurt your neck?", is varied. If the pillows are thin and, together, offer balanced support, they may not be problematic. But in most cases, using them together lifts the head unnaturally, leading to potential problems. For adequate support, it is best to opt for a cervical-specific pillow.

Orthopedic pillows: an option to consider

There is one category that deserves special attention when it comes to cervical wellness: the orthopedic pillows. These pillows are specifically designed to provide optimal support for the neck and head, ensuring proper alignment of the spine during sleep.

Unlike traditional pillows, orthopedic pillows have a shape and texture designed to fit the natural curves of your neck. This means that no matter what position you sleep in, your neck will always have the support it needs to maintain a natural posture.

Designed with the advice of orthopedic experts, these pillows combine science and comfort to ensure you have peaceful, tension-free nights.

 Orthopedic pillow

The maintenance and care of the cushion for a longer service life

A good neck pillow is an invaluable ally for our nights, but like any ally, it needs care and attention to always offer the best. 

It is essential to air the pillow regularly, exposing it to the open air, to refresh it and rid it of any unpleasant odors. A useful choice to protect the pillow and prolong its life is to use a specific cover for neck pillows., which is breathable and easy to wash. Avoid exposing the pillow directly to sunlight, as this can damage the materials. And, in case of storage for extended periods, store it in a cool, dry place.

In conclusion, choosing the right pillow is not just a matter of comfort, but affects the quality of our sleep and cervical health. Orthopedic pillows, designed with a focus on cervical health, are an option to seriously consider.

In this journey to discover the right nighttime support, product quality is paramount. Pharmaflex products are the result of extensive research and an ongoing commitment to excellence, offering solutions that combine comfort and well-being.

Remember, your neck deserves attention and care. Consciously choosing a pillow according to your personal needs can ensure not only peaceful nights, but also days without tension and pain. Invest in your well-being, and your neck will thank you.

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