Plagiocephaly, what are its consequences?

Plagiocephaly, what are its consequences?

Jul 21, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

Plagiocephaly is a very common disorder that affects the shape of the skull in infants, causing one side of the head to 'flatten. Such prolonged pressure can alter the typical rounded shape of the skull, leading to the onset of plagiocephaly.

Despite being a common disorder, many parents face a sea of doubts and concerns about the potential consequences of plagiocephaly.

In this article, we will attempt to answer the most common questions on the topic, analyzing the possible repercussions of untreated plagiocephaly, and discussing the treatment and prevention options available.

What is plagiocephaly

Plagiocephaly, also known as "flat head syndrome," is a condition characterized by flattening on one side or the back of a baby's skull. This phenomenon may be the result of improper positioning within the uterus during fetal life. As a result, the baby tends to always sleep or rest with its head resting on the same side.

This flattened area may have less hair than the rest of the head. Looking at the child's head from above, one ear may appear more advanced than the other. In more severe cases, the skull may take on a diamond shape. 

Untreated plagiocephaly can lead to various health problems in the short and long term. Initially, the consequences of pl agiocephaly may be mainly cosmetic, such as an irregular skull shape. However, if left untreated, plagiocephaly can lead to more serious consequences. Some research suggests that plagiocephaly may contribute to delays in motor development, balance and coordination problems, as well as dental and visual problems.

What does plagiocephaly involve?

It is critical to address plagiocephaly as soon as the first symptoms are noticed. Early treatment can help minimize or prevent adverse consequences and ensure proper development of the child. Treatment may include physiotherapy, position changes during sleep, and the use of special orthopedic devices, such as the plagiocephaly pillow.

A plagiocephaly pillow is a very effective tool for preventing and treating plagiocephaly. This pillow is designed to evenly distribute the weight of the child's head, reducing pressure on specific points of the skull and promoting a more rounded shape. The pillow can be used during both nighttime and daytime sleep to ensure consistent and adequate support.

There are several strategies for the treatment and prevention of plagiocephaly. These include regularly changing the child's position during sleep, encouraging the child to spend time on his or her stomach during play (always under supervision), and using orthopedic devices such as specialized pillows.

Physical therapy can be very helpful in treating plagiocephaly, particularly if it is caused or accompanied by torticollis. A trained physical therapist can suggest specific exercises to strengthen the child's neck muscles and encourage greater mobility.

Orthopedic cushions and prevention of plagiocephaly

I orthopedic pillows play a key role in preventing plagiocephaly. They are designed to distribute the weight of the child's head evenly, reducing pressure on a single point of the skull and promoting comfortable and safe sleep.

It is important to note that some types of pillows-particularly those with holes-can present suffocation hazards if used in a crib, bassinets, or anywhere else where a baby might sleep alone. However, this does not apply to the Pharmaflex Baby device for plagiocephaly. This product is specially designed to avoid such risks. Thanks to the Safe-Disk feature, the infant's head is free to move and is not held in the same position all the time, as is the case with pillows with holes. This freedom of movement not only reduces the likelihood of plagiocephaly or brachycephaly due to prolonged holding of one position, but also ensures that, in the event of regurgitation, the baby is free to move, thus avoiding the risk of suffocation. Therefore, the Pharmaflex Baby device can be used safely, always under the direct supervision of an adult.

The role of orthopedic mattresses 

Although most discussions on the prevention and treatment of plagiocephaly focus on the use of specialized pillows, one should not overlook the important role that a good mattress can play. I orthopedic mattresses can, in fact, make a difference in your baby's health and well-being.

These mattresses are designed to provide the right support and weight distribution, helping to reduce pressure on a particular part of the baby's head. Their relatively hard surface, compared to standard mattresses, helps maintain proper posture during sleep and prevent flattening of the skull.

In addition to preventing plagiocephaly, the use of an orthopedic mattress can provide other benefits to your baby's health. For example, it can help prevent sleep disturbances by keeping the spine aligned and ensuring even weight distribution, which reduces the risks of sleep disruptions due to discomfort or pain.

Pharmaflex is committed to supporting your child's well-being and growth by offering a range of high-quality products including plagiocephaly pillows, orthopedic pillows, and orthopedic mattresses. These products are designed to provide the comfort and support needed for healthy sleep and proper development.

If you suspect that your baby may have plagiocephaly, do not hesitate to consult his or her pediatrician and explore Pharmaflex's wide range of products to improve your baby's comfort and well-being.

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