What are the benefits of an orthopedic mattress?

What are the benefits of an orthopedic mattress?

Jul 14, 2023Linkeasy Editorial Board

An orthopedic mattress, as the name suggests, is designed with a keen eye on the science of orthopedics. This medical discipline is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system, and the basic principles of this discipline have guided the design and structure of orthopedic mattresses. These mattresses are distinguished by their ability to provide uniform support to the body, helping it maintain a correct posture during sleep. In this way, orthopedic mattresses are able to prevent and relieve neck, back, and joint pain, which can be caused by poor sleeping posture or inadequate support during sleep.

Advantages of orthopedic mattress

An orthopedic mattress offers a number of significant benefits due to its specific design aimed at providing optimal support for muscles, bones and joints. This makes the orthopedic mattress an especially good choice for those suffering from back problems, chronic pain, or bone and muscle conditions. The main benefits of an orthopedic mattress include:

  • Improving posture: An orthopedic mattress provides an ideal level of stiffness to maintain proper alignment of the spine during sleep. This helps prevent and relieve back pain, promotes correct posture, and reduces the sinking feeling that can result from using mattresses that are too soft.
  • Reducing stress on the spine: An orthopedic mattress is designed to distribute body weight evenly, thus reducing stress and strain on the spine. This can help reduce chronic pain, improve sleep quality, and improve energy during the day.
  • Physical pain relief: An orthopedic mattress is an ideal option for those with physical pain that affects sleep quality. Sleeping on an inadequate mattress for a long period of time can aggravate physical pain. An orthopedic mattress, on the other hand, because of its ability to provide adequate support for the body, can help reduce bone, joint, and muscle pain.
  • High comfort: Orthopedic mattresses, especially those made from materials such as high-density foam, offer a very high level of comfort. They support the spine effectively, preventing it from sagging during sleep. The use of high resilience materials ensures even weight distribution, providing a feeling of comfort throughout the night.

Pharmaflex: innovation in orthopedic mattresses

Orthopedic mattresses

The standard orthopedic mattress from Pharmaflex is a Class 1 non-sterile medical device approved by the Ministry of Health. This product is specially designed to relieve back pain and prevent compression of the vertebrae. For this purpose, Pharmaflex has patented an innovative system that performs two functions:

Muscle Function: layered structure distributes body weight over the entire surface of the mattress, reducing pressure on certain areas and relieving muscle tension.

Vertebral function: promotes spacing between vertebrae, reducing compression of intervertebral discs.

The collection of orthopedic mattresses from Pharmaflex goes beyond the standard mattress. It includes mattresses specifically for those suffering from acute muscle pain, such as that caused by protrusions or hernias. These mattresses are designed with a special structure that reduces pressure on pain points and facilitates freedom of movement, thus improving the quality of sleep and rest.

For those suffering from neurological impairment of the lower extremities, Pharmaflex offers mattresses that provide optimal support. These mattresses are designed to promote spinal alignment and improve blood circulation, offering significant relief to its users.

Pharmaflex has also thought of the little ones. Their range of mattresses includes the orthopedic anti-suffocation infant mattress, designed to provide safe and comfortable sleep for infants. This mattress is specifically designed to reduce the risk of suffocation and promote a safe sleeping position, thus contributing to the well-being and health of babies.

The role of orthopedic toppers

Orthopedic toppers

In addition to orthopedic mattresses, another important element for proper posture during sleep is the orthopedic topper. These additional layers, placed on top of the mattress, can significantly enhance the sleeping experience by providing an additional layer of comfort and support.

I orthopedic toppers from Pharmaflex are designed to further enhance the sleep experience. They not only increase the softness of the bed, but also improve the distribution of body weight during sleep. This can help reduce pressure on specific points of the body and can improve spinal alignment, leading to a more restful sleep.

Adding an orthopedic topper to your mattress can bring many benefits. If you already own an orthopedic mattress, a topper can further enhance the quality of your rest. Not only can it provide an extra layer of comfort, but it can also prolong the life of your mattress, protecting it from wear and tear. In addition, if your mattress feels too firm, a topper can add that soft touch that can make all the difference for a comfortable night's sleep.

In conclusion, the best orthopedic mattress chosen based on your needs can make a big difference in the quality of your sleep and your overall health. Whether you suffer from chronic pain, posture problems or simply want a more comfortable sleep, an orthopedic mattress can offer a solution. With the addition of an orthopedic topper, you can further customize your bed for maximum comfort and support.

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