Children's sleep: how much should it be?

Children's sleep: how much should it be?

Aug 18, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

Children's sleep is a vital part during growth and development. This phase of rest allows the baby's body and mind to regenerate, stimulating important processes such as brain development, memory, learning, growth hormone secretion and strengthening the immune system. It is during sleep, in fact, that the brain has the opportunity to "clean itself" of waste toxins produced during wakefulness.

But, how much sleep does a baby need? The answer to this question varies depending on the age of the baby. In the first few months of life, an infant may sleep as much as 15-20 hours a day. As he grows older, his need for sleep gradually decreases. For example, a one-year-old may need 14 hours of sleep, a two-year-old 13 hours, and a three-year-old 12 hours.

In this article, we will focus on the sleep of one-, two- and three-year-olds. 

We will analyze their specific sleep needs and discuss how Pharmaflex orthopedic products, such as the orthopedic mattress for babies newborns, orthopedic toppers and a possible orthopedic pillow, can help ensure quality sleep.

Sleep of 1-year-old children

When a child turns one year old, his or her sleep needs begin to change. From this time on, most one-year-olds require about 14 hours of sleep per day. This rest time is usually divided into a long night's sleep and one or two "naps" during the day.

One-year-olds' sleep is crucial to their growth and development. During sleep, the child's brain works intensively to process new skills and information learned during wakefulness. Sleep consolidates memory and learning processes, allowing the baby to acquire new skills such as walking, talking and understanding the world around him.


At this stage, a good mattress can make all the difference in the quality of the baby's sleep. An orthopedic mattress , such as those offered by Pharmaflex, is designed to support the baby's body in the correct position during sleep, ensuring optimal weight distribution. This can prevent any spinal alignment problems and promote deeper, more restful sleep.

It is important to remember that each child is unique and their sleep needs may vary. So although 14 hours of sleep a day is an average, some one-year-olds may need more or less sleep. As a parent, it is critical to respect your child's natural rhythms and create a comfortable and relaxing sleep environment.

Sleep of 2-year-old children

Sleep for 2-year-olds continues to be a key element in their well-being and development. At this age, most children need about 13 hours of sleep per day. This sleep time is generally divided into an 11-12 hour night period and a 1-2 hour nap during the day.

The sleep needs of a 2-year-old differ from those of a 1-year-old. While 1-year-olds tend to take two naps during the day, at age 2 most children switch to a single afternoon nap.


To ensure adequate, quality sleep for your 2-year-old, it may be worth considering adding an orthopedic topper to the mattress. I orthopedic toppers Pharmaflex are designed to provide an extra layer of comfort and support, improving sleep quality. 

An orthopedic topper can contribute to optimal body weight distribution during sleep, promoting proper alignment of the spine and more restful and restorative sleep.

Sleep of 3-year-olds

Upon reaching the age of three, children's sleep needs continue to evolve. At this stage, a child requires about 12 hours of sleep per day, with afternoon naps beginning to reduce or, in some cases, disappear altogether.

Uninterrupted night sleep is becoming increasingly important, and to ensure quality rest, the introduction of a orthopedic pillow can make a big difference. 

Pharmaflex orthopedic pillows are designed to provide optimal support for a child's head and neck, promoting proper alignment of the spine. This can contribute to deeper, more restful sleep, as well as prevent problems such as stiff neck.

It is important to continue to adhere to a consistent and relaxing sleep routine. Limiting the use of electronic devices before bedtime and maintaining a quiet, dark sleep environment at a comfortable temperature can be helpful in encouraging quality sleep.

Remember, each child is unique and sleep needs may vary. Don't forget to listen and observe your child to understand his or her specific needs and ensure that sleep is a positive and restorative experience.

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